I’ve been part of the Calgary Pace Setters Club since October 2020. I’ve joined them to expand my network and boost my confidence as a speaker.
My favorite part about our club is its members. I am lucky to have met a group of diverse, dedicated, supportive and hard working professionals who are always ready to have fun. Since I’ve joined Toastmasters I’ve improved my confidence in my own abilities to speak with and in front of strangers, I’ve made new friends and I’ve learned to give actionable feedback. Tuesday evening (when we have our club meeting) has become my favorite part of the week, moreover during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Outside Toastmasters, I enjoy reading and gardening, drawing and experimenting with colors. During the summer, I like discovering the lakes and the trees hidden in the Canadian Rockies.
I would recommend Toastmasters to anyone whose English is not their first language, to anyone who struggles when meeting new people or speaking in front of their co-workers; to anyone who wants to become a supportive leader. Calgary Pace Setters Club is like Hotel California – you are welcome anytime you want, but you can never leave (because you will not want to).
Email me at Andreea Munteanu