How long have you been a member of Toastmasters? I joined in January 2019.

Why did you first join Toastmasters? I first joined to improve my presentation skills and grow my network. At the time I had recently relocated to a new city and was looking to meet people.

What is your favourite part about our Pace Setters Club? I love how much I learn from every meeting. With such diverse members, we are constantly teaching each other about our cultures, careers, and hobbies. That is in addition to all the communication and leadership skills we gain.

What have you learned/gained from being a part of Toastmasters? I have gained confidence and greatly improved my public speaking skills. I have also learned how to run an effective meeting and provide constructive feedback. But most importantly I have gained lifelong friends.

Outside of Toastmasters, how do you spend your time? I am a large animal veterinarian and have a cattle farm with my husband. When we are not working we enjoy exploring the outdoors and new countries.

What would you tell someone who’s interested in Toastmasters? Don’t wait to join you! Any excuse you have been telling yourself is likely invalid. We are a special group of people who will very quickly feel like family!

Email me at Natasha Kutryk